Oliwia is 22 years old, she is a brown-eyed brunette.
She is a diligent student who reads books in one breath. “The Little Prince” is her recent favorite. She listens to music while doing her homework. The melody must be pleasant so she scans through different genres in search for the favorite ones. She likes puzzles and eagerly watches quizzes. She is interested in nature and animal TV documentaries. She is very sociable – she hosts our therapists with a smile and she bravely takes the exercises. Oliwia is homeschooled, she communicates using pictograms and learns with the Cyber Eye. She spends most of her time on Sako’s sack and she takes it everywhere. She has cerebral palsy. Thanks to rehabilitation, she functions and breathes better. Meet our protégé Oliwia, a daughter and a beloved sister.